Browser Explorer is an excellent freeware program that contains many rich features that you won't find in most shareware applications available today. I was amazed at how it enabled me to see many hidden system and registry settings of my browsers that I can never find via the official browser options or by using any alternative tweaking/tuning program.
You will be able to view and edit your typed URLs, start page, search and alternative search URL, local page, and all settings of the installed extensions.
Plugins will be under full control; you will be able to clear the ones that cannot be uninstalled or prevent your browser from launching them.
The developers of this program didn't forget about our privacy; they have added functions to clear or delete any entry in the browser's history, downloaded cookies, and zone maps.
One of the most interesting features of this program is that it is compatible with many browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera plus it contains specific functions for each type of browser.